Welcome Cadaver Pudding to Zomie! Media Records! Fuck yeah.

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Like taco Tuesday Friday night!

I grew up in the southern CA scene playing shows with these dudes. Nathan was in the band Slow Children, Tom and Jon play in the rad horror punk band The Order of the Fly. In total we’ve all had about 10,000 beers collectively in every dive bar venue from SD up through riverside. Not bragging but we are pretty fucking cool. haha. Old Cross was actually supposed to play a benefit show with Cadaver Pudding in San Bernardino back in March but our tour was cancelled because, well you know.. viruses.

I’m so stoked to have them on the label. These dudes are hilarious on stage and simultaneously solid as fuck. They can craft the weirdest shit in to the tightest punk songs and they own it. Makes No Sense is the first song released off of their new record Three-Legged Jokemobile which will be out this summer on Zomie! Media Records.

Man, I’m so lucky all these awesome bands want Zomie to rep them! We gatta get a fest going one day.

Quick shout out to Lunch Box Studios, this sounds really great. Perfect sounds for these dudes!

Check ‘em out if you dig fast, clever punk rock and pick up their latest split with The Pluralses!

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