Go Fund Me for Twilight


As we have all seen, restrictions are hitting small businesses the hardest and the first one that comes to mind to a lot of us here in the Portland music scene is Twilight Cafe and Bar. We’ve all been so fucking lucky to have a venue like Twilight in our lives. Jimmy busts his ass day in day out to organize shows and always makes sure touring bands are accommodated to the best of his ability.
A Go Fund Me has been set up for the staff to keep their heads above water during this pandemic. Let’s keep the scene thriving! If you have some spare funds to throw their way I’m certain they would appreciate it! I know that most of us are in the same boat so even just sharing the link is helpful.


Via Twilight: “ Raising money for The Twilight staff that do not qualify for unemployment . This includes our concert booking, head sound engineer, bartenders and door staff. 
At least 25 shows will have to be canceled/rescheduled and as a lot of you may know, live music is the bread and butter at The Twilight and what keeps our doors open.  Said staff will be out of paychecks for at least a month and any money raised will go to help pay bills/rent and everyday necessities.  Some of us have side jobs in the service industry but those bars,venues and restaurants have been closed as well. We plan to start shows back up as soon as Gov. Kate Brown gives the go ahead to reopen.  Please keep posted to our social media pages and website for shows that have been or will be rescheduled and thank you to anyone that can donate ! We love you and we will be back !”

Additionally, Twilight is definitely not the only venue in need! I’m just particularly closer to them. If you know of or work at any other venues that need help feel free to drop some Go Fund Me links on this post! Love you all, can’t wait to see you at a show again. -Chris

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