GFL and Question Tuesday updates!

Dude. These albums are going to shred!

I’ve been working on the final mixes of GFL’s first LP this last week! With Andrew on guitar the band have truly found their sound and an awesome companion along the way! I think it’s a perfect addition. Welcome Andrew! I’ll keep everyone updated on the release date! As well as a video release sooner than later. Fuck yeah. I am so grateful these dudes call Zomie! Media Records home!


Question Tuesday is a No Pants Records band that I am fortunate to be working with! I’ve been watching these dudes play for a couple years now all around Portland and I am fucking stoked to be recording their record. Their raw energy is nothing to fuck with! Not to mention they are hilarious on stage (and off). The other day they came in to the studio for guitar tracking with their beards shaved in to mustaches and a whole narrative that they were from what I would imagine the deep south in the late 70’s was like. We should have been watching Nascar. They stayed in character for several hours. haha. Cant wait for this LP! For updates on that check their page as well as the No Pants Records social media.

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Look out for news and reviews on bands every week!

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