staying busy

 It has been over two years since we last spoke! Well, 803 days. You can google that. It's legitimate. Since my last post (when this site was I have been busy, to say the damn least. I have released two EP's with the Devil's Troubadours, a full length solo record, toured the West Coast, finished school, interned and landed an Engineering spot at Black Diamond Studios here in Portland, Oregon. Other really cool shit has also occurred, but I'll keep it to music related material for now. It's already strange enough talking about myself thus far. 

 Anyways, Portland was extremely inviting from the get go. Originally growing up in Southern CA may seem like something you would avoid as a subject of conversation with a local, but really that entire stigma is greatly over-exaggerated. Unless people hate behind my back that is, but I tend to not pay attention to the cowardly type anyway. (So I wouldn't know) There is an insane amount of talent lurking from every corner out here. The Punk Rock scene is incredibly alive and pure. The best vegetarian/vegan dishes paired with artists screaming their heart out onstage in front of me is all I ever asked for, really. The venues are so good to touring acts as well, which is vital to a healthy scene. My local spot is Twilight Cafe & Bar. I try to stop in and catch a show as much as possible regardless of the featured genre that night. 

 I just realized I could write about Portland's food all night. Although this isn't a food blog. I honestly don't know what it is. 

My Friends in Spanish Love Songs are about to tour their way up here along with a band from the UK by the name of Ducking Punches. We will be playing at Twilight on October 17th together with another Portland local Question Tuesday. If you are in the area I suggest making a commitment to your self to at least catch Spanish Love Songs. They never disappoint.

oct 17 twilight.jpg

 Other then a random show in Oceanside, CA a few months back, this is the first time I will be playing songs from my new record with a new line up of musicians. Miles Lang (whom I am also mixing his single as we speak, actually) has joined my band on bass and is absolutely killing it. I almost wish I would have met him sooner so he could shred on my new record instead of doing it myself. Haha. He definitely glues it all together. Cassidy Rife is getting down on the drums! First time in over 10 years of playing music together has he ever hopped on drums for shows. Well, besides the time our Seenless drummer decided he was to drunk to play in the middle of the set at The Glasshouse and Cassidy had to literally hop on the drums. Man, we drank a lot back then. 

I'll leave you on that note. Love! - Chris

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